Hanh came to visit Mobile and I got to meet up with her yesterday to try on dresses- she gave me an awesome idea that I was very receptive towards considering how deadset I was on certain aspects of the decor. I said I had pinecones, branches, candles, fern, and moss to work with. I would prefer not to buy much for the pieces since the whole look is supposed to be organic and very natural.
This is what Hanh suggested:
Large glass bowl that sits about 4" high filled with water. In the middle of the bowl will be an island oasis covered with moss with one of my tall lovely branches nestled nicely in the center. Filled with natural stones, lit candles will be floating around the water in addition to having neon fish darting around. The bowl would be sitting on top of a bed moss surrounded by fern leavesm thus creating a lush, forest-concept for centerpiece. A bit complex but the idea is too lovely.
Objection: I am morally opposed to having live animals as decorative objects even though the idea of having live baby turtles in the bowls literally drives me insane!! I want them!!!
thomas seemed very receptive towards the neon fish idea......you could def do without the fishes because the candle might hurt them (in a taking away oxygen sense since oxygen is a reactant in conbustion) I might be wrong...At the restaurant, i was actually thinking cute little plastic turtles but didn't bring it up for some reason....i like your turtle idea.