3rd: CUT 1" long PETALS in your choice and color of fabric. Same tear drop shape.
5th SEW: sew towards the top of the teardrop petal so that the pointy end can flare out nicely as opposed to being stuck on the side of your head.
7th FINISH UP: once you get to the top(the end), sew very small stiches towards the top to secure in place. Now add a little patch in the back so you can add a bobby pin or a safety pin to place where your heart desires. Preferably on the side of your hair!
Now add a little patch in the back so you can add a bobby pin or a safety pin to place where your heart desires. Preferably on the side of your hair!
Now add a little patch in the back so you can add a bobby pin or a safety pin to place where your heart desires. Preferably on the side of your hair!
TIME SPENT: about 1 to 1.5 hours
P*S* Hotglueing would probably work. Most of the time spent is on cutting each individual petal. 1/3 of the time went into sewing the applique. If you're the fast & easy type, go for it but it'll make the piece a bit stiffer and it'll lose its value because it's not "sewn" but hey, what ev. I would appreciate if you were to post this tutorial to reference me por favor! Have a great day!!
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