Tuesday, June 22, 2010

# 131 Spring Chicken Rolls w.Lime Butter Sauce

I was thinking of what to get at the grocery store so I could cook in our new Orlando home when I came across my favorite cook of all time, Rachel Ray. I completely forgot the ingredient list at home so I went to the Neighborhood Walmart and picked up very basic ingredients with the idea of making my own version of Chicken Negimaki (from Tokyo).
This is original recipe: Spring Chicken Roll

Instead, the following is my version:

Chicken Rolls Ingredients:
- very thinly sliced chicken breast
- pepper jack cheese
- pepper blend
- asparagus, blanched in hot water for 2 minutes
- portabello mushrooms, " "
- garlic cloves
- oil

Blanch the asparagus and mushrooms. Heat oil and sauteed minced garlic. Sprinkle pepper blend onto the chicken breast slices, place pepper jack cheese, asparagus, and mushrooms and roll tightly. Place chicken roll with the loose end on skillet so that it keeps its shape. Place all of the chicken rolls on skillet and cook on one side for 4-5 minutes. Cover for a few minutes before flipping the chicken onto the other side. Cook for the next 4-5 minutes.

While chicken is cooking, cook white and yellow saffron rice. At this time, make the simple Lime Butter Sauce. If you can not blend the garlic with the butter, heat up a saucepan, cook the minced garlic in butter, and add a dash of salt and pepper. Add 1/4 cup of freshly squeeze lime juice towards the end. Mix well. Pour gently over cooked chicken rolls when finished.

MMMMMmmmmMMm.... magnificent!
Definitely one of the best meals I've ever made and so easy too! The presentation was fantastic(as long as the roll didn't unravel), didn't take too long to prep, and was outstanding. I'll have to try the recipe's sauce one day but was very pleased for my 'invention.' I used the recipe as a base for what I wanted to do since I understood how to cook chicken already. I forgot to get the ingredients for the sauce so I had to work with what I had. Thank goodness for www.SuperCook.com, the best site EVER that finds recipes based on exactly what ingredients you have in the pantry. I've made some awesome dishes in the past, such as my Tilapia w/Mango Salsa.  The Lime Butter Sauce was super easy and was a very nice compliment to the dish.

1 comment:

  1. Instead of black pepper for the lime butter sauce, I like to use lemon pepper. Try it next time.
