she's Jew-ish so no pork.
loves lox bagels- is smoked salmon raw? lol. maybe do a cooked salmon/creamcheese/chive cracker spread.
More Games:
- "The bottle chugging contest. The hostess buys a set of small baby bottles and fils them with juice. Contestants have to chug the bottle through the nipple -- first one to finish wins! It's hilarious to watch!" -- caileyhc *this sounds like a winner to me.
- "The poopy diaper game. There are about 10 diapers each with different kinds of melted chocolates. Pass it around, smell it, and write down what it smells like (like Kit Kat, Snickers, and so on)." -- Leis
- "The Price is Right -- Throw 10 common baby items in a basket (lotion, shampoo, creams, wipes, etc). In the basket, put a sheet of paper that lists each item. Under the items you have to guess the price without going over." -- emily0829
I'm Making a Diaper Cake. A Badass One at that too.
I saw the diaper cake at Rose's shower and thought, why are they so expensive?? But, it was very cute and looked incredible easy to partake in. After looking at some tutorials(all very matronly/out of date/ cheesy), I found one that fit my criteria- simple, quirky, and therefore unique. The humor was a nice touch too!
What was great was that the tutorial called for a bottle champagne nestled within the cake. HAHAHA!
These following cakes struck my fancy as well, especially since it's a motorbike thing. If the baby's a boy, I might try my hand at this.

Seventh Generation Diapers. Enviro-friendly means Baby friendly too since there are fewer chemicals used. They're more expensive (duh) but I am dying to buy a bulk pack on! The only thing is, since they're chlorine free, they're not white but a brownish-color so it would look kind of funny for the cake. Anyway, we'll see- my 1st instincts say just go for it- be a modern woman who cares about her friend ANDthe environment at the same time!!!