We've gotton a lot of questions about our registry. WHAt registry, we ask. Uhm, you guys sort of need one?
Strange thing is, thomas and I have everything we need in terms of household items, and then some! We're already on our doubles in terms of small appliances and tools but desperately running out of space in our little house. Yet, the stuff we really need like bigger appliances are rather pricey. We went on Amazon.com to set up our list and we literally had 8 items there, all of which run from $50 to a couple hundred. I think our guestlist exceeds 8. I am trying to hard to be considerate and find items that will fit in everyone's budget ($50 or less? Mostly $20 items). It's a feat I suppose, especially if we don't have the space. BUt! We're trying! I really like the gift of time to be quite honest- the fact that Robin is officiating, Kat is helping, and Kay is going all out is a gift in it of itself.
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