This is what I am ABLE to start on:
- buy cotton linen napkins and wrap silverware or fold
Tokyo style
- spray paint branches with bronze paint
- go to Laura's house and scrounge around for cute planting pots
- uproot one tree/bush and prune it
- hang x-mas lights/fabric flowers/origami cranes
- possibly use pickle jars, wrap them in old fabric samples from
CCI, wrap ribbon/raffeta around the top of the jar to hide the ridges,
- love the idea of a blank sketchbook but it seems a bit too homey and DIY.
- Absolutely love the idea of a photo guest book! However, it's been done w/
Billy & Ali so alas, no can do.
- digital camera snapshots? + guest book messages? eh? eh?
- darn, now I have to think about having someone man the "booth" or guest signing area. Maybe Katie or someone cool!
- sort of like the photobooth idea sans photobooth. I really want semi-candid/myspace looking photos of people taking their own picture, printing it(maybe borrow Laura's instant baby printer!), and writing a msg next to their pic. If not print it right then and there, I can print it later and insert it into the book.
- buy/borrow springform pans
- investigate edible white pearl spray paint
- buy epoxy or use wood glue
- cut branches for stands
- collect tree rings for platter
- fabric flower & silk leaves
- pin
- buy pink or green satin ribbon
- test 1 2 3
- make trial paper lanterns
- make fireflies
- look at battery-operated candles for light source